Air Floating Building

TAO’s first air floating building was “Helion” conceived as an airship hangar as much as a show pavilion. The roof could be opened through cone shaped helium filled segments allowing the airship “Lotte” to leave the hangar. When coming back the segments looking like lotus flowers could be closed again. “Helion” was the first building being attached to the ground. Read more about this matter under “Helion”.

We also consider worth mentioning the design study of a floating roof for the football arena in Munich. The lenses shaped cloud could be positioned alongside the arena. When rain was announced this floating roof could be installed above the arena thanks to an ingenious pass mechanism. To be able to stabilize the roof in its parking position alongside the arena it was tensioned against the wind like a Japanese flying dragon.

Floating roof – arena Munich
Floating roof – arena Munich

Further ideas with various architects were a baseball arena with a roof, which was kept in place by a compression ballonet, or large exposition spaces following the ideas applied with “Helion”.

Nobody will hinder you to follow your own inspirations! Get inspired!

Fliegendes Dach - Parkmodus
Fliegendes Dach - Parkmodus

Fliegendes Dach - Übergangsmodus
Fliegendes Dach - Übergangsmodus

Fliegendes Dach - Schließmodus
Fliegendes Dach - Schließmodus

Fliegende Gebäude

Fliegende Gebäude

Fliegendes Dach - Baseballstadion